Derby College Takes Centre Stage at World Skills Showcase
Derby College is one of just six colleges nationally and the only college in the East Midlands to be invited to take part in the showcase event at World Skills London 2011 event (October 5-8).
Derby College Fashion Retail students will take to the stage in a colourful extravaganza – highlighting how women should dress for their individual shapes with a catwalk show at ExCel in the heart of London’s Docklands.
The College has also been selected to be involved in the the Beauty Therapy “Have a Go” activities. World Skills London received over 90 applications and Derby College is the only College outside of London to get through to this stage.
And Derby College will be exhibiting as part of the East Midlands pavilion at the event with a stand highlighting all the vocational and work based learning opportunities at the College.
World Skills London 2011 will be the largest international skills competition in the world, with young people from 50 countries competing in 45 different skills areas over four days to be the best in their chosen vocation.
The showcase event is part of the World Skills exhibition, designed to highlight the wealth of young talent across the country and colleges were invited to bid to take part with their innovative ideas.
Derby College Retail Manager Richard Page explained: “As well as being part of the Derby College exhibition throughout the World Skills event, our students will be appearing on the main stage with our specially-devised ‘Body Shape’ performance.
“We have created a fruit machine graphic which will appear on a giant screen on the stage, highlighting the classic women’s shapes including apple, pear and strawberry, and then demonstrating which styles and colours women should choose to best enhance their body shape through a catwalk fashion show devised and modelled by the students.
“We are all very excited about being involved in such a high profile event and the results should be spectacular.”
Eleven Beauty Therapy students from Derby College will be involved in the ‘Have a Go’ sessions – helping visitors to the exhibition try and number of treatments including nail wraps, make up and clay masks.
Head of Beauty Therapy Amanda Jogela said: “It is a huge privilege for us to be invited to take part in the ‘Have A Go’ sessions at World Skills.
“Some of the students taking part will be those who won medals in this year’s UK finals of the Beauty Therapy World Skills competition so it is great that they will be part of this event which is the ultimate goal for all students competing in events throughout the year.”
Students from throughout the College will then continue the ‘Have a Go’ opportunities as part of the World Skills programme at Open Evenings at its sites in Derby, Morley and Ilkeston in the coming months.
They will be helping young people interested in enrolling at the College next September to try out a wide range of skills from Construction and Beauty Therapy to Engineering and Sport.
Derby College Principal David Croll concluded: “The World Skills UK competition this year looks set to be the biggest and best ever of the international competitions and I am delighted that Derby College has been invited to take such a high profile part in the event.
“We entered more students than any other college in the East Midlands for the various competitions in the UK over the past year with 54 students from all our sites pitting their skills against representatives from other colleges.
“Indeed, one of our former apprentices, Jason Stanley, got through to the final three to represent the UK in the bricklaying competition. Although we were all disappointed that he did not make the final selection both he and current Construction students who he has mentored at the College throughout his preparations have learnt a great deal from the whole experience.
“The standards set at all levels of the local, regional and national competitions are extremely high and best practice set at the competitions are then taken by the students involved back into their workplace – either in the future or immediately if they are on work placements and apprenticeship programmes.
“By being involved in competitions, our students get a taste of the pressure and high standards that are expected of them in the workplace and everyone gains a huge sense of achievement and pride by showcasing their skills in front of judges who are among the top people in their respective industries.
“We are looking forward to showcasing the talents of Derby College students in London next month and helping to put the College, city and county on the map for excellence supporting young people to achieve their goals and give them the solid footing for exciting and rewarding future careers.”
Media enquiries: Sarah Jenkin-Jones, PR Officer, Derby College, Tel: 07951 945 665;